Sabtu, 08 Desember 2007

BIOS Activity

When turn off personal computer..... what doing BIOS ???

Check CMOS settings

This is once step. It is check setting system on save in chip known as CMOS.

Any setting in CMOS is configuration connecting hard disk and optical drive, configuration motherboard, time and date, memory shadow, and another configuration.

Load Interrupt and device driver

Interrupt is connective hardware with operating system. Example : when you press “B” button at keyboard, so keyboard will be send code button press into interrupt Standard Keyboard Services, so CPU will be translating this code …… this code will be output in monitor as character “B”.

Another interrupt is printer service, disk service and … etc.

Device Driver is anything to connect hardware into personal computer system. With device driver system can to detect that hardware as part of personal computer system.

Loading Intterupt and device driver is conducted before check graphics card by BIOS.

Check Video Card

Continue step after load interrupt and device driver is check video card in chip for on board motherboard or above motherboard for the motherboard having separate video card.

This function is connecting Central Processor Unit (CPU) and monitor. If nothing this card, so… will be go out beep code as computer type passing speaker at the personal computer.

Check memory

Continue step… BIOS will be check memory. If this memory have trouble or nothing…, will be go out beep code as computer type passing speaker at the personal computer.

Memeriksa boot sequence

Continue step…. BIOS will be check Boot Sequence in the CMOS.

Boot sequence is rule of booting operating system. BIOS will be check once hardware for booting, when once hardware nothing have operating system… so will be check second hardware for booting. This checking process up to third hardware.

When BIOS finding operating system at once, second or third hardware… example operating system windows…. so computer will be starting windows … and we can use computer with windows.