Senin, 03 November 2008

iMonitorPC Pro

Your PC in office used by friend work without you know ? Will try to investigate the activity done in PC ? Easy, iMonitorPC can assist you conduct it.

iMonitorPC represent the application of supervisor of long distance system (remote) which can be functioned by as peacemaker for your computer. By using application iMonitorPC, you can see in detail all activity of usage PC done conducted by a others by online and also offline
Its excitement, this application work without the knowledge its consumer, is hidden, and record of every activity user to computer. Activity which binoculars can for example program which is being used, Web visited the, backtalk activity of like MSN, Yahoo, ICQ, or AOL. This Application also provide the conducive fitur is you can arrange : how and when computer used by making some order which you like. Can limit the program, website, contact the backtalk, and access the application usage of according to determined time arrangement.